- From February 11, 2025: Support independent radical thought. Join mind reader’s growing community of readers thinking deeply about social transformation. Start right now.
Meta staff torrented nearly 82TB of pirated books for AI training — court records reveal copyright violations
↳ Is it even piracy if a corporation is involved at this point? — - From February 10, 2025: Like what you’re reading? Join mind reader (free) to get fresh critical analysis delivered directly to you. Start right now.
Developer creates endless Wikipedia feed to fight algorithm addiction
↳ This is a very clever idea. Gels with the micro-learning that we need to form robust communities. Golly would it be cool if Wikipedia were more counter-hegemonic and decolonised in its collected knowledge. But the open source model enables this kind of invention, and that’s incredible. — -
Tesla demand is nosediving in EV-friendly Europe amid Elon Musk’s endorsement of the far right
↳ This will likely just hurt the workers. But it is good to see that the political sentiment or common sense is against Musk elsewhere. — - From February 9, 2025: Be part of the conversation. Join mind reader’s free community of readers analysing capitalism, technology and social change. Start right now.
The shape of (non)existence
It’s been a minute, and there’s been some significant changes for both mind reader and for me as a human. Today I want to take a moment to appreciate the good and bad of what is emerging and present in our world. Our first shared moment is about the tragic, terrible, and inhumane Trump-Musk-drama that is not only a visceral distraction to churn through the absolute worst vitriol and hate speech at the expense of those already deeply marginalised by American society, but also a very real threat to the nature of contemporary social fabric and cohesion. The second is a moment of hopeful futures as energy which has been forestalled far too long begins to surface and push for radically ethical new ways. It has been nearly impossible to ignore over the past month the absolute imposition of ‘noise’ over signal in our news, social medias, and relationships with one another. The now finely honed machine that is Trumpian politics...
- From February 8, 2025: Join mind reader’s free community of radical thinkers analysing capitalism’s contradictions and imagining better futures. Start right now.
AOC says she's worth less than $500,000 after kickback claims — and seems to get kudos from Trump fans in response
↳ The meta, here, that she’s opened herself to criticism around her worth while continuing to strive for her community is absolutely central. If we don’t all show our flaws and live in the values we hold others to what are we? — - From February 7, 2025: Join mind reader’s free community of radical thinkers analysing capitalism’s contradictions and imagining better futures. Start right now.
Mandatory jail term for Nazi salute under new hate crime rules in Australia
↳ This is a great move. — - From February 5, 2025: Like what you’re reading? Join mind reader (free) to get fresh critical analysis delivered directly to you. Start right now.
Extremely temporary hiatus
If you're reading this, you may be an extremely avid reader. I am currently taking 7 days of mental health rest from the news in order to steel myself to the onslaught of fascism in the US. Everyone needs a rest some times, take care of yourselves comrades. See you before you even know it.
- From February 3, 2025: Want more analysis like this? Join mind reader (free) to never miss a dispatch. Start right now.
Over 40% of Facebook Posts are Likely AI-Generated
↳ Craptacular! — -
If the Coalition doesn’t like Nazis on Twitter, maybe it should stop legitimising them
↳ Such a landslide of extremely toxic right wing views amongst the Liberal base, and all the chatter is just that. Inaction. Darkness. Evil festering. — -
Imperialism and White Settler Colonialism in Marxist Theory
↳ Very much worth a read, and some deep analysis. — - From February 2, 2025: Support independent radical thought. Join mind reader’s growing community of readers thinking deeply about social transformation. Start right now.
CDC orders mass retraction and revision of submitted research across all science and medicine journals
↳ Trumps neo-nazi party doing fucking horrendous shit. Unbelievable overreach of power and abuse of already marginalised folks. — -
A Ceasefire Is Not Enough
↳ Land back. — -
Canada 'will stand up to a bully', says PM contender Carney over Trump tariffs
↳ The more that the international community rejects the narcissistic rantings of the insane dictator the better, but it’ll never be enough to stop him. — - From February 1, 2025: Like what you’re reading? Join mind reader (free) to get fresh critical analysis delivered directly to you. Start right now.
Germany: Mass protests after far-right AfD helps CDU/CSU
↳ Fascism feeds on fear and hate. It grows in the shadows, and dies in the light. Countering radical hate with radical love isn’t enough – we need to move towards a shared literacy of collectivism. — - From January 31, 2025: Want more analysis like this? Join mind reader (free) to never miss a dispatch. Start right now.
Mark Zuckerberg starts Meta earnings call by praising Trump administration
↳ Fascist oligarchs doing their thing. Reinforcing and normalising a brutally violently unequal hegemony. —