- From November 21, 2024: Join mind reader’s free community of radical thinkers analysing capitalism’s contradictions and imagining better futures. Start right now.
Victoria’s First Peoples’ Assembly wants powers over schools’ Indigenous history curriculum
↳ As they should have. — -
Mexico’s women gig workers are making a dangerous job safer
↳ “Gig work” should be subject to the same laws and rules as any work and the safety rules need tightening. Once again the workers are left to push for fair and adequate conditions… capitalists just want $$$ — -
Centring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voices and Ways of Knowing, Being and Becoming in Fully Online Undergraduate Health Course Curriculum Development
↳ Not a bad paper if I do dare honk my own horn. — - From November 20, 2024: Support independent radical thought. Join mind reader’s growing community of readers thinking deeply about social transformation. Start right now.
Peter Dutton wants you to hate foreign students
↳ Peter Dutton is a hateful *little* man with a huge ego and absolutely no morals. His fear mongering is the one and only item in the Liberal’s playbook — and as a collective we need to reject this empty bullshit which seeks only to extend capitalism and exploitation of people and the planet. — -
Trump says Apple boss called him to complain about EU
↳ Billionaires jerking off “billionaires”. Apple is evil and deeply complicit in hegemonic enforcement. — -
Fascism returns, and it’s everywhere all at once
I’ve heard a few (bad) hot takes on US politics lately and this has really got my hackles up about fascism. We need a common literacy to understand that low-grade sociopathy, manipulative bullshit, and lateral violence are the same things played out in our social worlds, work lives, and in politics. The political class is not smart, they are not strategic, and they are most certainly manipulating you. So let’s build some literacy around narratives that let (small l) liberals off the hook as fascism builds complicity. We need a theorist, and as you know, we’re big into Gramsci in these parts, we’ll start there. Gramsci gave a poignant analysis of fascism’s rise in Italy. He did something no other historical materialist scholar had done to that point – provided a devastatingly accurate framework for understanding his political moment – and the value of this has not diminished, despite new technologies and manipulation. Wri...
World’s 1.5C climate target ‘deader than a doornail’, experts say
↳ We’re so fucked already — and morons like Albo keep approving climate-devastating projects saying “wait til the next election then we’ll do something”. We need to riot. — -
Why Gen Z Is Thriving In The Entrepreneur Life
↳ And because the media is just a mill of shit, here’s the opposite thing reported. — -
Gen Z might just be the most risk-averse generation on record
↳ This doesn’t really track for me. Maybe the general prevalence of terrible global events is giving everyone anxiety — but I don’t think it’s generational. There’s as many smart people and idiots alike in Gen Z. — - From November 19, 2024: Want more analysis like this? Join mind reader (free) to never miss a dispatch. Start right now.
Greens to ask Senate to vote to jettison anti-abortion bill in bid to split Coalition on issue
↳ The fact this is even before the senate here is fucking cooked. If the liberals support anti-abortion movements they must be jettisoned alongside the sexist assholes who introduced this junk. But, as mentioned, “it’s happening here”. — -
Anthony Albanese unlikely to detail new emissions target before next federal election
↳ Flaccid neoliberal leader who ran on a promise of climate action does nothing and makes the situation worse before stalling further for the next election - after which he and his party will continue doing nothing. — -
Teen social media ban might backfire and put young Australians at risk, expert says
↳ Having no (social) media literacy — what could possibly go wrong? — -
Phony X accounts are meddling in Ghana’s election
↳ This activity, undoubtedly endorsed by musk, now has “operated by an American government official” as another on the list of Twitter’s ills. Manipulation of politics on social media isn’t new, but the intensification of this kind of interference is troubling. — -
Indigenous senator who yelled ‘You are not our king’ at Charles III is censured in Australia
↳ Labor and Liberal toeing the hegemonic line as usual. Trust them to reinforce racist, colonial and damaging bullshit. He’s not our fucking king. There should be no kings. — -
Trump confirms plans to use military for mass deportations
↳ Fascism is going strongly in the USA. I wonder what the thousands of people who voted Trump who will also be deported will think. —