mind reader is a blog and bookmarking project against capitalism. In our contemporary reality, capitalism and its capitalists loom large as dangerous figures – yet are often not perceived as such due to the crushing power of hegemony. This blog, based on the opinions of Aidan Cornelius-Bell, is an attempt at educational and radical praxis in the modern world. Think socialist zine but digital – and with less cool art.

The website deploys praxis (theory/practice) at the nexus of historical materialism, Gramscian social science, and social reproduction theory (SRT), which is sorely needed against capitalist hegemony (and racists and sexists garbed in purportedly “orthodox Marxism” – no unintended shade to the true Marxist “orthodoxy”). Importantly, though, Dispatches expand theory in current real world contexts. In this way, the project contributes somewhat to the ongoing growth of the Marxist critique project started in the 19th century.

For legal purposes: all views expressed directly on this website are my own and not reflective of those of any employers, colleagues or affiliates. Links provided remain the views and intellectual property of their respective owners, and these owners may not endorse other views, comments or perspectives advanced on this website.

About Aidan

Please see this page for more information about me. If you need to get in touch you are welcome to contact me here.

Email and RSS

Since 2017 there has been growing interest in “email blogs”. There’s a convenience in getting new posts right to you, thus, this website offers email for all new Dispatches as well as summary posts for premium members. You are just two email confirmations away from getting hot socialist content in your inbox. Learn more here.

You may also receive updates via RSS, a technology from way back in 1999 (anyone else remember Netscape?). There are two kinds of RSS for this website. The first is a feed of everything you see on the home page – Dispatches and Bookmarks, and a feed of Dispatches only – in full text, so you never have to come back to this site again (should you wish). These feeds are discoverable in the normal way, or by clicking the links on the home page.


This website runs on an Akamai Connected Cloud VPS in Sydney, Australia – Gadigal land. It is distributed globally by Cloudflare. The stack is hand made, leveraging a combination of Ruby on Rails, MariaDB, nginx, and myriad open source software atop Debian Linux. There’s RSS feeds available and an API which you can access on request. Hope you enjoy! It’s a labour of love...

Writings here are licensed for modification and redistribution, but not by corporations. Content may be included in Large Language Model training data on the condition that its eventual use is for non-commercial purposes. Images are from Unsplash and fonts are from Adobe (though offlined to remove tracking).

© 2024 - 2025 by Aidan Cornelius-Bell under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike license. Website code is GNU/GPL and sources are accessible at arelpe.git on this website.